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Himachal Pradesh Economic Survey 2020-21 Chapter 1 & 2


  • Economic Survey 2020-21 reviews the developments in the Himachal Pradesh economy over the previous 12 months (or 2020-21 financial year).
  • Like previous years, this year’s economic survey of HP contains 2 parts :  Part-I contains the salient features of the State Economy of Himachal Pradesh during 2019-20 and Part–II contains statistical Tables on various subjects.
    It is prepared by the Department of Economic and Statistics, Government of Himachal Pradesh.
    The Economic Survey of India is the flagship annual document of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. The Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance presents the Survey in the Parliament every year, just before the Union Budget. It is prepared under the guidance of the Chief Economic Adviser of India.
  • It is presented in the legislative assembly (Vidhan Sabha) of HP on 5 March 2021 (Budget session) by CM Jairam Thakur. Note : it was tabled one day before the presentation of ‘HP Budget on 6th March 2021’).


a) Prabodh Saxena :  IAS, Additional Chief Secretary (Finance, Economic & Statistics) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.

b) Dr. Vinod Kumar Rana :  Economic Adviser, Government of Himachal Pradesh.



Economic Situation at National Level

  • Economic growth  2019-20 : 4.0 %   ( lower than 2018-19 : 6.1 % )
  • Economic growth 2020-21  =  -7.7 %  ( advance estimates )
  • Per Capita Net National Income at current prices in 2018-19 : ` ₹ 1,25,883
  • Per Capita Net National Income at current prices in 2019-20 :  ₹ 1,34,186 (an increase of 6.6 percent)
  • The per capita income in real terms i.e. at constant (2011-12) prices for 2018-19:  ₹ 92,241
  • The per capita income in real terms i.e. at constant (2011-12) prices for 2019-20 : ₹ 94,566 (an increase of 2.5 percent )
  • The inflation rate, as measured by the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) on year–on-year basis, remained below 2 percent in the most part of the current financial year 2020-21 (April-Dec)
  • Inflation based on All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial workers (CPI, IW) for the year 2019-20 is 7.7 percent as against 5.6 percent in 2018-19.

Economic Situation in Himachal Pradesh

  • Economic growth in 2018-19 = 6.5 %
  • Economic growth in 2019-20 = 4.9  %
  • Economic growth in 2020-21 =  – 6.2  %
    ( advance estimates )

  • Per Capita Income at current prices during 2018-19 = ` ₹ 1,76,460
  • Per Capita Income at current prices during 2019-20 = ` ₹1,90,407 (showing an increase of 7.9 percent).
  • Per Capita Income at current prices during 2020-21 (Advance Estimates)   = ₹1,83,286  (showing a decrease of 3.7 per cent

Per Capita Income at constant (2011-12) prices during 2018-19 = ` ₹ 1,36,664

Per Capita Income at constant (2011-12) prices during 2019-20  = ` ₹ 1,42,155 (increase of 4.0 percent).

Estimates of GSDP at Constant (2011-12) Prices

  • The GSDP of Himachal Pradesh at constant (2011-12) Prices for the year 2019-20, First Revised Estimate(FRE) is estimated at ₹1,22,284 crore as against ₹1,16,570 crore for 2018-19 (Second Revised) indicating a growth of 4.9 per cent in comparison with the All India GDP growth rate of 4.0 per cent for 2019- 20.
  • Gross Value Added (GVA) at current Basic Prices for 2019-20  : ₹ 1,52,754  Crores
  • Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) at current / Market Prices for 2019-20  :  1,62,816  Crores

SECTOR WISE CONTRIBUTION  GVA , at current prices : 2019-20 (FRE / First Revised Estimate)

Agriculture & Allied activities (Primary sector)  :  14.58%

  • Secondary Sector :   41.94%
  • Services (Tertiary sector) :  43.48%

 SECTOR WISE CONTRIBUTION in the Economy of HP ( Share in GDP) :

Sector 1950-51 2019-20
Primary (Agriculture) 57.9 % 10.05 %
Secondary (Industries) 1.1 % 29.2 %
Tertiary (Services) 5.9 % 43.5 %
Others (Miscellaneous) 35.1 % 27.3 %



  • It comprises of Agriculture,Horticulture, Livestock, Forestry & Logging, Fishing, mining and quarrying sub-sectors.
    Performace of different subsectors as per 2019-20 (First Revised Estimate) :
  • The Agriculture & Allied Sectors as a key sector supporting about 60 percent of the population, registered a positive growth of 18.3 per cent.
  • In Himachal Pradesh, Horticulture is no longer a sub sector of agriculture sector, it has crossed agriculture in terms of value addition.
  • The livestock sector has emerged as an alternative and dependable source of income generation. In 2019-20, the production of Milk Increased by 4.86 per cent, Meat by 3.52 per cent and Eggs by 5.86 per cent resulting in growth of 9.5 per cent in the Livestock sector,
  • Fisheries sector registered a growth of 4.7%
  • Forestry & Logging : 10.6 % growth.
  • Mining & Quarrying :  4.3 per cent
  • It is also  called Industry sector.
  • It is broadly  comprising of Manufacturing (Organised     &     Un-Organised), Electricity, Gas & Water Supply and Construction.
  • This sector is registering a growth rate of 0.1 percent in 2019-20 over the previous year.
    Performance of different subsectors as per 2019-20 (First Revised Estimate) :
  • Manufacturing sector : + 0.3 %
  • Construction : + 3.1%
  • Electricity Gas & Water supply -4.6%
  • It is also called Services sector.
  • It is comprising of Trade, Hotels & Restaurants, Transport by other means & Storage Communications, Banking & Insurance, Real Estate & Professional Services and Community, Social & Personal services.
  • This sector is registering a growth rate of 7.7 percent in 2019-20 (First Revised Estimate) over previous year.
    Performace of different subsectors as per 2019-20 (First Revised Estimate) :
  • Transport , storage and communication : + 4.5 %
  • Trade , Hotel and restaurant : + 4.6 %
  • Financial Services : + 1.1 %
  • Real estate and related activities : 2.9 %
  • Public Administration : + 12.6 %
  • Other services : + 17.6 %

Shift from agriculture sector to industries and services :

  • The declining share of agriculture sector do not, however, affect the importance  of  this  sector  in the State economy as the growth in primary sector of the State economy is  still determined by the trend in agriculture and horticulture production.  It is one of the major contributors to the total domestic product and has overall impact on other sectors via input linkages, employment, trade and transportation etc.  Due to lack of irrigation facilities, our agricultural production to a large extent still depends on timely rainfall and weather conditions.  High priority has been accorded to this sector by the Government.


  • During 2020-21, 1,340 hectares of additional area was envisaged to bring under fruit plants against which 2,589 hectares of area has already been brought under plantation. Besides 7.69 lakh fruit plants of different species were also distributed up to December, 2020.
  • Growing of off-season vegetables has also picked up in the State. During 2019-20, 18.61 lakh tonnes of vegetables were produced as against 17.22 lakh tonnes in 2018-19 recorded a growth of 8.07 per cent. It is anticipated that the production of vegetables will be about 16.58 lakh tonnes in 2020-21.


  • Tourism is an important source of revenue generation and a generator of diverse employment opportunities. A significant rise was noticed in the domestic as well as foreign tourist inflow during last few years but due to COVID-19 there is sharp decrease of 81 per cent in tourist arrival up to December, 2020.


  • Consumer Price Index inflation in Himachal Pradesh during 2020-21 (April to Dec. 2020) was 5.0 per cent.
  • The Annual Development Budget for 2021-22 has been proposed at ₹9,405 crore which will be 19 per cent higher than the plan size of current year 2020-21.
  • Smaller hydro projects (up to 2 MW) have been reserved for investors from Himachal Pradesh only and preference is given for projects up to 5 MW.
  • The Government spends major chunk of its expenditure on revenue expenditure. In 2020-21 it is estimated that 80 per cent of the total budget spending will be on revenue expenditure.
  • State Government of Himachal Pradesh approved the abolition of this distinction of Plan & Non Plan component of State Budget in August, 2020 & further approved to go ahead with only Revenue & Capital heads based classification of the State Budget from the financial year 2021-22



  • Non-Plan component of Budget Expenditure largely related to committed liabilities such as payment of interest, gratuity, salary, pension, wages and maintenance; whereas, Plan component of Budget Expenditure mainly focused on Infrastructure Development and other Development Schemes.


  • The allocation of Budget for Schedule Caste Development Programme (SCDP) & Tribal Area Development Programme (TADP) will be 25.19 per cent and 9 per cent of the State’s Development Budget.
  • The total liabilities of the State increased to ₹ 50,772.89 crore in 2018-19 from ₹ 31,442.56 crore in 201314 showing an increase of about 61 per cent.
  • Debt as percentage to gross state domestic product was 97 per cent in 2018-19.


  • The priority of the Government has always been to implement social welfare programmes. Concerted efforts have been made to improve the efficiency and quality of delivery of public services.
  • Some of the major public welfare schemes implements during the year are:-


  • A Mobile App launched by CM Jairam Thakur on 7 January 2020 to know the activities of Himachal Government. This app contains all the latest information about the CM programs, cabinet ministers programs, activities and govt. related services. Apart from this, you can also see articles, videos and photos related to the government in the app.
  • NOTE : Himachal CM launched VIDHAYAK E-MITRA SEVA on his birthday on 6th Jan 2021. This facility will be provided through app Shikhar Ki aur Himachal for monitoring progress of different development projects in various constituencies. This facility to the MLAs is being provided under an additional tab named MLA corner, through which an MLAs would be able to follow-up the progress of their works online.


  • MyGov platform is a unique path-breaking initiative which was launched on July 26, 2014, by Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi.
  • In January 2020, Mr Jairam Thakur, the CM of HP launched Himachal MyGov portal in Shimla with a view to strengthen public participation in the governance The portal enables the people of the state to communicate their views, suggestions, feedback as well discontentment, if any.
  • A new link ‘himachal.mygov.in’ is introduced for this. On this portal, the general public can also give their valuable suggestions for making the policies and programs more effective and result oriented.
  • Note : with this Himachal has become the 11th state to launch My Gov portal.


  • Under this scheme 4.62 lakh families have been registered and 1.25 lakh beneficiaries have availed ₹129.97 crore cashless treatment since the inception of this scheme.What is HIMCARE ?
  • Under Ayushman Bharat, families have been selected by the Government of India on the basis of Socio economic caste census / SECC, 2011 and RSBY (Rashtriya swasthaya Bima yojna) for providing the cashless treatment coverage.
  • On the analogy of Ayushman Bharat scheme, the HP Govt is implementing Himachal Health Care Scheme (HIMCARE) to cover the left out families ( which are not covered under Ayushman Bharat scheme of central govt) since 1st January, 2019.
  • ( Ayushman Bharat scheme was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 23rd September 2018 from Ranchi with the aim of providing Rs 5 lakh healthcare cover to 10 crore families. It is world’s largest state funded health insurance scheme.)
    Under HIMCARE Scheme, cashless treatment coverage up to Rs. 5.00 lakh per year per family is being provided on family floater basis. In case of more than five members, the remaining members are being enrolled as a separate unit subject to the capping of five members for each such additional unit.
  • This scheme is being implemented on co-payment basis. Under this scheme, differential premium rates have been decided based on the categories.


Category Target group Premium amount
  • BPL (Not covered under Ayushman Bharat)
  • Registered Street Vendors (Not covered under Ayushman Bharat)
    MNREGA worker who have worked minimum 50 days under MNREGA during previous financial year or current financial year.
  • Ekal Naaris
  • Divyangs >40%
  • Sr. Citizens above 70 years of age
  • Anganwari Workers
  • Anganwari Helpers
  • ASHA workers
  • Mid-Day meal workers
  • Daily Wage Workers (Govt., Autonomous Bodies, Societies, Boards & Corporations etc. under the control of State Government),
  • Part Time Workers (Govt., Autonomous Bodies, Societies, Boards &
    Corporations etc. under the control of State Government)
  • Contractual Employees (Govt., Autonomous Bodies, Societies, Boards & Corporations etc. under the control of State Government) Outsource Employees
Rs.  365  per year
III Beneficiaries not covered under category-I and category-II or who are not Govt. servants/pensioners or their dependent family members. Rs. 1000 per



  • Under this scheme, an assistance of ₹1.00 lakh is provided to class 12 and Graduation meritorious students to provide guidance at coaching centers located inside or outside the State for all competitive exams. To avail this scheme, the candidate should be a bonafide Himachali and total family income of the meritorious students from all sources must not exceed 2.5 lakh per annum.


  • Under this Scheme, all the students of class 1st to 12th get free uniforms ( from Financial Year 2018-19)
  • Under this scheme, in the year 2018-19, around 8,30,945 students of class 1st to 12th were provided 2 sets of free school uniforms with an outlay of ₹ 73.50 crore.


  • The scheme was introduced on the 150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in 2019 to eradicate Single Use and Non-Recyclable waste and fixed minimum price @ ₹ 75/-per Kg. to buyback such waste.
  • (Since October 2, 2009, there has been a complete ban on the use of polythene bags in HP.
  • HP has already imposed ban on use of plastic bags and cutlery made of plastic and thermocol)


  • A toll free facility was introduced to address problems of people & talk to CM on mobile phone and by email to CM via Mail ID cmoffice-hp@gov.in
  • Hp Govt has also launched Mukhya Mantri Seva Sankalap app for registering online grievances by residents of HP.


  • Aim : women empowerment and creating a pollution free environment in the State.
    Over 2.95 lakh families have been given Gas connection under this scheme.
  • The state government of Himachal Pradesh declared that it’s the first state in the country to have 100% LPG gas coverage.What is the Himachal Grihini Suvidha Yojana?
  • The Himachal Grihini Suvidha Yojana is a scheme to provide LPG gas connection to houses. It was launched in May, 2018 to encourage people to use LPG gas fuelled stoves instead of traditional wood-fire chulhas. This reduces indoor air pollution from the open chulhas.
  • Note : Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (DFSC) is the nodal agency for this scheme.Are beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana covered by this scheme?
  • The Himachal Grihini Suvidha Yojana was launched to cover those households that were left out by the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana.Who are not covered by the scheme?
  • The scheme provides connection only to women unless the household has no women. Except families having a pensioner, income taxpayer or any member employed with the government, board, corporation etc, all households of the state without an LPG connection were eligible.
  • On December 27, 2019, when the state government completed two years, Union Home Minister Amit Shah at Ridge ground distributed gas connections to 3 women (Meena Devi, Reeta Devi and Dharmavati) of Shimla rural constituency. With this, HP became first state in the country to have 100% LPG gas coverage. There are around 18 lakh ration cards in the state, and almost an equal number of LPG connections have been issued.
  • (NOTE : earlier, In October 2016, HP became second open defecation free (ODF) state in India after Sikkim ).


  • The scheme is implemented to change the negative attitude towards girl child at birth and to improve enrolment and retention in schools and a post birth grant of ₹ 12,000/- and free education from 1st class to Graduation is provided to two girls belonging to BPL families.


  • The aim of this scheme is to provide assistance of `6,000 per child per annum to the destitute (poor) women belonging to the BPL for the maintenance of their children till they attain the age of 18 years and whose family income does not exceed `35,000 per annum. The eligibility criteria :
  • The beneficiary women should be a citizen of Himachal Pradesh.
  • The Below Poverty Line (BPL) families are eligible for this scheme. Widowed women and Divorced women from the state of Himachal Pradesh are eligible to apply for this scheme. Women whose husbands have been missing for more than two years can also be benefited under this scheme. Application Procedure
  • The applicants have to visit the women and child welfare department office to apply for the scheme.
  • The application forms can be downloaded from the official website of women and child welfare department.


  • The scheme provides a marriage grant of ₹ 51,000/- to the guardians of the destitute girls whose father is unable to earn the livelihood of their family due to physical or mental inability. The families whose annual income does not exceed Rs`35,000 are covered in this scheme.


  • To encourage the young male entrepreneurs, the government has decided to give subsidy up to 25 percent on machinery cost and 30 percent for Female investors.


  • Under this scheme 27 Start-ups have been started in 8 Incubation centres and 3 promising entrepreneurs have been awarded and inspection relief for 3 years will be granted.

The state government is laying special emphasis on the development of industry sector. Micro and small enterprises are availing the benefits of Chief Minister Startup Scheme. Besides, the government is providing the facility of hand holding and mentorship to innovative enterprises from the initial stage to setting up of the industry. Emphasis is being laid on the creation of innovative ideas based on agriculture, clean technology, food processing, tourism and bio-technology among other things.

  • Livelihood allowance of Rs 25,000 per month is being provided to innovative projects. After the implementation of the innovative idea, subsidy of maximum Rs10 lakh is being provided for marketing.
  • For filing national and international patent for a startup, financial assistance of Rs 2 lakh and Rs 10 lakh is being provided, respectively.
  • Land is being made available for setting up micro and small enterprises in industrial areas and ghettos. On the purchase of land, the stamp duty is determined at 3 per cent only.
  • Purchase of 30 per cent of total order from such startup has been made mandatory for the state government.


  • Under this scheme Government will ensure livelihood security to urban households by providing a guaranteed employment for 120 days. MMSAGY scheme will facilitate skill enhancement of persons engaged in wage labour jobs to provide them better livelihood opportunities.

 “eUdyan Portal”

  • This acts as single window portal where farmers can avail Horticulture Farming Service benefits while sitting in their home.


  • Objective of this scheme is to double farmer’s income by 2022. The State govt. will provide Solar Pump Sets to farmers for agricultural / irrigation purposes. Under this scheme, Government will provide :
    • 90% subsidy / financial assistance : to small and marginal farmers for purchase of pump-sets.
    • 80% subsidy to all individual medium and big farmers.


  • It was started on 3rd June, 2018 with the objective to establish a direct dialogue with the public and provide on the spot redressal to their grievances.
  • Ministers of the State Government regularly organize “Jan Manch” in remote areas of every district to solve the problems of the people at the spot. The officers of all departments remain present to facilitate decision making and grievance redressal.” Hence Janmanch envisages a high level grievance redressal mechanism that improves upon similar initiatives tried earlier like ‘files to field’ and ‘Sarkar Janta ke Dwar Par’

SOCIAL SECURITY SCHEME (Old age pension Scheme) :

  • Age group 60- 70 years : ₹850 per month of pension is given to those persons whose annual income is below ₹ 35000 per annum.
  • above 70 years Age group : ₹1,500 per month is given without any income criteria.


  • The objective of the Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) strategy is to create waste free cities/towns and provide clean and pollution free environment in the entire urban areas of Himachal Pradesh.
  • Note : this mission was launched on October 2, 2014.


  • The objective is to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions. Dharamshala and Shimla city are being covered under the scheme.


  • Under this scheme all people whose name does not appears in the HP Ration Card List can apply online using nic.in


  • Under the scheme financial assistance is provided to children live in Child Care Institutions.
  • The scheme is providing free boarding, lodging, clothing, medical, career counselling and educational facilities to the children in need of care, protection and rehabilitation. The Expenditure on getting higher education (vocational and academic) from any Government run institution within the country, even after the children who have left the Children Homes, is also borne by the State Government. Benefit of the scheme is extended to all children staying in Government/ NGOs run Children Homes registered under Juvenile Justice Act, 2015.


  • Bal/ Balika Suraksha Yojna and Foster Care Programme are being implemented in the State with a view to look after and maintain the orphan/ helpless children in congenial family environment.
  • Under this scheme, an amount of `2,300 per child per month is sanctioned. Out of which `2,000 are sanctioned in favour of foster parents and `300 per child per month, on account of additional assistance from the State Government, are sanctioned in favour of child which are deposited in her/ his bank account or post office account to be matured and drawn by the child after attaining the age of 18 years.


  • Under this scheme Rs `5,000 are provided to the women having annual income less than `35,000 for carrying income generating activities.


  • This scheme has been formulated for rehabilitation of physically and sexually abused Women through Technical and Vocational Training. A provision of ₹3,000/- stipend per month to each trainee is given.


  • The Board is constituted to make recommendation for the policy to empower and safety, security, upliftment and protection of girl child/adolescent girls against crime.


  • The scheme has been launched to sensitize people about the importance of daughters and forest conservation through this scheme. A plant /sapling along with a kit will be provided to the parents on the birth of a girl child.


  • Under the scheme government has encouraged the farmers (Pashupalak) for more milk production and gives an award to the farmer for producing 15 liter and above milk in a day.


  • Under the scheme ₹ 6,000 per annum has to be given to the farmer having less than 2.0 hectare of land.  9,26,830 farmers were benefitted with a outlay of `1,169.37 Crore Rs up to January, 2021.


  • Under the scheme 35 lakh families have received Golden Cards and 77,549 beneficiaries have availed `80.96 crore cashless treatment since the inception of the scheme in the State.
  • Note : PM-JAY was launched on 23rd September, 2018 in Ranchi, Jharkhand by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi.
  • PM-JAY is the world’s largest health insurance/ assurance scheme fully financed by the government.
  • It provides a cover of 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization across public and private empanelled hospitals in India.
  • Over 10.74 crore poor and vulnerable entitled families (approximately 50 crore beneficiaries) are eligible for these benefits.
  • PM-JAY provides cashless access to health care services for the beneficiary at the point of service, that is, the hospital.
  • It covers up to 3 days of pre-hospitalization and 15 days post-hospitalization expenses such as diagnostics and medicines.


  • The scheme is to tie every Indian in the rural or urban sector to the mainstream banking system. This will aid the financial status of the account holders as well as foster social Security goals of the central government.
  • NOTE : PM JDY was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 15 August 2014 ( Independence day speech, Red fort). The Slogan of the Scheme is “Mera Khatha, Bhagya Vidhatha. Banks in the State have covered all the households with at least one Basic Saving Deposit Account (BSBDA) of each household.


  • The scheme was launched on 18 February 2016 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and it is an insurance service for farmers for their yields. It was formulated in line with One Nation–One Scheme theme by replacing earlier two schemes National Agricultural Insurance Scheme(NAIS) and Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS).


  • Under this scheme, the interest rate for the PMAY scheme starts at 50% p.a. and can be availed for a tenure of up to 20 years. The deadline for availing the PMAY 2021 Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) for the MIG-I (Middle Income group I ) and MIG-II categories has been extended to 31 March 2021.
  • NOTE : The mission is to provide housing for all by the year 2022, by that time Nation completes 75 years of its Independence.


  • Under this scheme, the Government is providing an amount of ₹1.50 lakh to the poor families affected by natural calamities. In addition, the Government has a target to build 1,000 houses this year.


  • This scheme was launched on 21 May 2020 with the objective of empowering 1.50 lakh rural women by helping them become self sufficient and get employment under MGNREGS. This Scheme will boost the rural economy.
  • The scheme envisages strengthening of rural economy under which a woman, who owns up to one bigha (or 0.4 hectare), can raise a kitchen garden by growing vegetables and fruits.
  • The scheme aims to involve about 50 lakh women through 5,000 self-help groups.
  • Initially, about 5,000 households would be covered under this scheme. All Self-Help Groups could avail the benefit of Rs 1 lakh and about 50 lakh women members would be benefited under this scheme.


  • Under this scheme the Government provides top-up coverage of up to ₹30,000 per senior citizen in the State. This scheme will cover all senior citizens who are the smart card holders of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY).


1. WHO PREPARES ECONOMIC SURVEY OF HP ? Department of Economic and  Statistics [H.P]
2. Expected Economic growth of HP in 2020-21? – 6.2  %  
3. Per Capita Income of HP at current prices during 2020-21 (Advance Estimates)  ₹ 1,83,286  [3.7%  decrease]
4. Per Capita Income of HP at constant prices during 2019-20   ₹ 1,42,155[4%  increase]
5. The GSDP of Himachal Pradesh at constant (2011-12) Prices for the year 2019[ First Revised Estimate]  ₹1,22,284 crore

[ growth of 4.9 per cent]

6. Which sector has highest contribution in SGDP of H.P? Tertiary (Services) 43.5 %   
7. How much additional area was envisaged to bring under fruit plants During 202  1,340 hectares
8.  During 2019-20, how much tonnes of vegetables were produced?  18.61 lakh tones [ growth of 8.07 per cent]
9 Due to COVID-19 ,how much decrease in tourist arrival up to December, 2020.?   81 %
10 Consumer Price Index inflation in Himachal Pradesh during 2020-21 5.0 per cent.
11 The Annual Development Budget for 2021-22 has been proposed at  ₹9,405 crore
[19 per cent higher than the current year 2020-21.]
12 Budget for Schedule Caste Development Programme (SCDP) & Tribal Area  Development Programme (TADP) will be 25.19 per cent and 9 per cent respectively.
13 total liabilities of the State increased in 2018-19 ₹ 50,772.89 crore in 2018-19
14 SHIKHAR KI AUR HIMACHAL A Mobile App launched by CM Jairam Thakur on  7 January 2020  
15 ,Mr Jairam Thakur, the CM of HP launched Himachal MyGov portal in January 2020
16 On the analogy of Ayushman Bharat scheme, the HP Govt is implementing  Himachal Health Care Scheme (HIMCARE) to cover the left out families.
Himcare  scheme is implementing in HP since __________ ?
1st January, 2019
17 In HP BUY BACK SINGLE USE PLASTIC scheme to eradicate Single Use and  Non-Recyclable  waste and fixed minimum price at   ₹ 75/-per Kg.
18  Himachal Grihini Suvidha Yojana was launched in May, 2018
19 Under which scheme a post birth grant of ₹ 12,000 and free education from 1st class to Graduation is provided to two girls belonging to BPL families. BETI HAI ANMOL YOJNA
20 How much financial assistance is given Under MOTHER TERESSA ASAHAYA  MATRI SAMBAL YOJNA 6,000 per child per annum
21  MUKHYA MANTRI KANYADAN YOJNA provide grant of ₹ 51,000/-
22  No of days employment is provided under MUKHYA MANTRI SHAHRI AJEEVIKA GUARANTEE YOJANA 120 days
23 Objective of SAUR SINCHAI YOJANA to double farmer’s income by 2022
24 Name of the board for the policy to empower and safety, security, upliftment and protection of girl child/adolescent girls against crime SAKSHAM GUDIYA BOARD HIMACHAL
25 AAYUSHMAN BHARAT PRADHAN MANTRI JAN AROGYA YOJNA (PM-JAY) was launched on 23rd September, 2018 in Ranchi, Jharkhand
26 SENIOR CITIZEN HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME (SCHIS) provides ₹30,000 per senior citizen
27 Which scheme was launched on 21 May 2020 with the objective of empowering 1.50 lakh rural women MUKHYAMANTRI BIGHA SCHEME
28 PRADHAN MANTRI FASL VIMA YOJNA was launched on 18 February 2016
29 The Slogan of the Scheme JAN DHAN YOJNA/PMJDY launched on 15 August 2014 Mera Khatha, Bhagya Vidhatha.
30 Which portal acts as single window portal where farmers can avail Horticulture Farming Service benefits while sitting in their home ? ‘eUdyan’ Portal
31 How much Rs as old age pension is given to the persons ‘Age group 60- 70 years’ whose annual income is below ₹ 35000 per annum ? ₹850 per month
32 How much old age pension is given to persons aged above 70 years  (without any income criteria) ? ₹1,500 per month
33 When did JAN MANCH YOJNA was started in HP ? 3rd June, 2018

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