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HP BUDGET 2020-21

HP BUDGET 2020-21

  • On March 6, 2020, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, who also holds the finance portfolio, presented paperless (read on laptop) budgetary proposals for 2020-21 in the legislative assembly of Himachal Pradesh.
    • The HP Vidhan Sabha has become India’s first high-tech paperless Assembly with the implementation of the e-Vidhan system and automation of various House committees, Secretariat and the process of constituency management by MLAs. The ministers and the MLAs read the Budget on their laptops as hard copies of the Budget speech were not provided to them.
  • Year 2020: 50th Anniversary of Himachal Pradesh


  • HP govt is going to celebrate the 2020-21 ‘Golden Jubilee of Himachal Pradesh’ attaining full Statehood. Various programs and shows will be organized across the State and achievements made by the State will be shared with the people of the State.
  • An outlay of Rs 7900 crores has been proposed for the Annual Plan 2020-21 which is about 11 percent (Rs. 800 crores) more than the approved outlay of Rs.7100 crore for Annual Plan 2019-20. Out of the proposed outlay of Rs.7900 crore, Rs.1990 crore is proposed for Scheduled Caste Sub Component Plan, Rs.711 crore for Tribal Sub Plan and Rs.88 crore for the Backward Area Sub Plan.
  • Jan Manch: During the tenure of the present Government 189 Jan Manch programs have been held in which 47,848 complaints and demands were received, out of which, 43,548 complaints were settled to the satisfaction of the complainants by the end of February 2020.
  • ‘E-Samadhan’ and ‘Mukhya Mantri Seva Sankalp’ (CM Helpline) have also gained popularity. 37, 990 complaints had already been resolved by February 2020 through “Mukhya Mantri Seva Sankalp”.
  • ‘Him Pragati’ Portal has reduced the red tapism of the system to a great extent and has also considerably reduced the time taken in various processes involved in the delivery of government services. The investors use the P.ortal for monitoring their projects.

Initiatives are taken by HP Government during the last two years:-

  • Unprecedented expansion in the social security net
  • Himachal Grihini Suvidha Yojana
  • Mukhya Mantri Chikitsa Sahayata Kosh
  • Mukhya Mantri Nutan Poly House Yojana
  • Roshni
  • Saur Sinchai Yojana
  • Himachal Pushp Kranti Yojana
  • Additional Subsidy under various Housing Schemes
  • Nayee Rahen Nayee Manzilen
  • Mukhya Mantri Swablamban Yojana
  • Initiatives for Mother Child Health and Welfare
  • The policy of Zero Tolerance towards drug abuse

Various schemes and programs of the Central Government benefit the people of HP

  • “PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi”,“Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana” “Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana”, “Soubhagya Yojana”, “Ujjwala Yojana”, Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Srijan Yojana”, “Mudra Yojana”, “Jan-Dhan Yojana”, “Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana”, “Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana-Aayushman Bharat”, “Doubling of Farmer’s Income Programme”, “Swachh Bharat Mission”.


  • World Economic Outlook, published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in January 2020 has estimated the world economy to grow at a rate of 2.9 percent in 2019. India’s GDP has been estimated to grow at a rate of 5 percent during 2019-20 despite the global slowdown. It has been estimated that the growth rate of the Indian economy would be between 6 percent and 6.5 percent during 2020-21.
  • The size of the Indian economy is expected to reach around 3 Trillion US Dollars (Rs.210 lakh crore) by the end of 2019-20.
  • Leaving behind the United Kingdom and France, India has become the 5th biggest economy in the world


  • The growth rate of the State’s economy is expected to be 5.6 percent during 2019-20 which is more than the estimated growth rate for the national economy for the same period.
  • The advance estimates for 2019-20 have put the State’s Gross Domestic Product (SGDP) at Rs.1,65,472 crore at current prices which is Rs.11,627 crore more than the previous year’s SGDP.
  • The per capita income of Himachal Pradesh is estimated at Rs.1, 95,255 during 2019-20. This is more than the national per capita income of Rs. 60,205.

Grant to HP under different Finance commissions:

  • 13th FC: Rs.4,388 crore
  • 14th FC: Rs.14,407 crore
  • 15th FC: Rs.19,309 crore
  • Chamba district is one of the districts included in the Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) of the Government of India. The district’s performance has improved in the economic and social sectors

Aspirational Districts are those districts in India, that are affected by poor socio-economic indicators. These are aspirational in the context, that improvement in these districts can lead to the overall improvement in human development in India. The 115 districts were identified from 28 states, at least one from each state. At the Government of India level, the programme is anchored by NITI Aayog. In addition, individual Ministries have assumed responsibility to drive the progress of districts. The objective of the program is to monitor the real-time progress of aspirational districts.

  • A document ‘Drishti Himachal Pradesh-2030’ was released by state govt drawing a roadmap to achieve Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030. Himachal Pradesh has been ranked 2nd after Kerala in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in the ‘SDGs India Report 2019-20’, brought out by the NITI Aayog in December, 2019.
  • Himachal Pradesh has been ranked as the top performing State, in the category of small States, on Public Affairs Index by the Bengaluru based Public Affairs Centre.
  • Taking this exercise to sub State level, HP Government has started preparing District Good Governance Index.
  • HP govt decided to start giving an award of Rs.50 lakh, Rs.35 lakh and Rs.25 lakh to the top three ranked districts on Good Governance Index in order to promote competition among districts to perform better.
  • The beneficiaries of Centrally Sponsored Schemes are getting benefits credited into their bank account directly through DBT. In 22 State Schemes also, beneficiaries are getting benefits through DBT. State Government decided that DBT benefits would be made available in other State Schemes in a phased manner so that people get the assistance amount transferred directly into their Bank Account.
  • It is decided to hold a midyear review meeting with the Hon’ble MLAs during 2020-21 to review the progress made in implementing the decisions taken during the annual meeting.
  • Alllocation under Vidhayak Kshetra Vikas Nidhi Yojana has been increased from existing Rs.1.50 crore to Rs.1.75 crore.
  • Also the Discretionary Grant of Hon’ble MLAs has been increased from existing Rs. 8 lakh to Rs.10 lakh.
  • All the Ministers in the present Government have already surrendered the subsidy available to them under Public Distribution System.
  • The subsidy on food items available under PDS will be rationalized during 2020-21. State Government will provide extra nutrition/supplements to the under nourished families, mothers and children.
  • Rs. 230 crore would be spent on the subsidy given on food during 2020-21.
  • The number of government services brought under e-District Portal has been increased from 52 to 62 and all other services will also be brought on this portal.
  • All the Government services will be made available to people of the State locally through Lok Mitra Kendras in a phased manner.
  • e-Office is being used in 46 offices with an objective to automate working of these departments. It will be used in all the Government offices in a phased manner.
  • e-Cabinet Software will be used to computerize proceedings of meetings of the Cabinet in 2020-21 to make them paperless.
  • HP state Government has started ‘Himachal Grihini Suvidha Yojana’ in 2018-19 to supplement the efforts made by the Central Government through ‘Ujjawala’. Both these schemes aimed at providing gas connection to every household in the State by the end of December, 2019. State Government has achieved this target in December, 2019. About 2,76,000 gas connections have been provided under Grihani Suvidha Yojana & state Government intends to provide this facility to any new family which does not have an LPG connection in the future also.
  • State Government will create a “Krishi Kosh” of Rs. 20 crore for supporting seed money, interest subvention and credit guarantee cover to farmers. Detailed scheme guidelines will be formulated for the same. The “Krishi Kosh” scheme will benefit 75 thousand to 90 thousand farmers by 2022.
  • A new variety of ‘Heeng” (asafoetida) has been identified by Institute of Himalayan Bio Technology (IHBT) Palampur, HP which can be grown in high altitude areas of Lahaul & Spiti, Kinnaur and Chamba etc. State govt has decided to promote Heeng cultivation in these areas.
  • It is announced to support saffron production in areas where climatic conditions support its cultivation.
  • “Krishi se Sampannta Yojana” (KSY) will be launched to support Heeng & Saffron cultivation.
  • Two years ago, a new scheme ‘Prakritik Kheti Khushal Kissan’ was launched to popularize the Subhash Palekar Natural Farming system. About 50 thousand farmers have been covered under this scheme. This number will be increased to one lakh farmers in 2020-21 and another one lakh farmers would be provided training about natural farming in Awareness Workshops and Melas.
  • State govt aims to bring 20,000 hectares of land under natural farming by 2020- 21. An outlay of Rs.25 crore in 2020-21 is proposed for this.
  • State govt has decided to organise ‘Krishak Melas’ in all Blocks before Kharif and Rabi seasons. In these Melas, officers from the departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Agriculture & Horticulture Universities and Banks would give information related to technical aspects, credit and other inputs to the farmers.
  • Presently, different departments have been implementing various schemes related to water harvesting, conservation and management. Coordination is required among these departments to ensure that these schemes benefit the target beneficiaries. State govt will constitute a Committee with an objective to coordinate the efforts being made by different executing departments in water conservation and management in the rural areas. This Committee will make recommendations for sustainable management of water resources in rural areas of the State.
  • ‘Nadaun Medium Irrigation Scheme’ (almost ready) will provide irrigation facilities to about 3,000 hectares of land.
  • State Government will now speed up the work on execution of Phinna Singh Medium Irrigation scheme (at Nurpur, Kangra), so that about 4,000 hectares of land is benefitted from the scheme. An outlay of Rs.70 crore is proposed for the scheme during 2020-21.
  • The ongoing minor irrigation schemes under ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana’ will be completed soon. The work on 111 minor irrigation schemes with a cost of Rs.338 crore is in various stages of execution. Central assistance of Rs.202 crore has already been received for execution of these schemes. Four more minor irrigation schemes covering 3,534 hectares of land with a cost of Rs.87.35 crore have been approved by the Government of India. State Government will try to complete these schemes during 2020-21 with central assistance.
  • A budget outlay of Rs. 1,024 crores is proposed for Irrigation Sector in 2020-21.

“Krishi Utpaad Sarankshan (Anti Hail net) Yojana (KUSHY)”

  • Farmers and Orchardists of the State are being provided subsidy on purchase of anti hail nets but permanent structures consisting of bamboo or steel are required to fix anti hail nets so that harvest is saved from the hail. There is no assistance available for installation of this permanent structure. A new scheme KUSHY” is announced in budget under which 50 percent subsidy will be provided to the farmers and orchardists of the State for erecting structure to support anti hail nets. Beneficiaries will continue to get existing subsidy on the purchase of anti hail nets. An outlay of Rs.50 crore is earmarked for both the components during 2020- 21.
  • ‘Mukhya Mantri Madhu Vikas Yojana’ is already there to support bee keepers. A new scheme “Madhu Utpadan Evam Prasanskaran Yojana (MUPY)” is launched to cover value addition processes. An outlay of Rs. 7 crore is marked for this during 2020-21.
  • “Mehak” : under this newly launched scheme, agriculturists and orchardists will be provided necessary training and will be assisted in cultivation, processing of aromatic plants and their marketing.
  • Three CA (controlled atmosphere) stores at Gumma, Jarol-Tikkar and Rohru in Shimla district will be upgraded under the World Bank Aided Horticulture Development Project. The storage capacity of these CA stores will be increased to 5,700 tonnes from the existing capacity of 2,000 tonnes.
  • Hydro cooling facility for Cherry will also be developed in Jarol- Tikkar which will be the first in the State.
  • Rs. 536 crore for Horticulture Sector during the financial year 2020-21.


  • State Government has recently made available milk fortified with Vitamins A and D under the brand name of ‘Him Gauri’.

Chief Minister in his budget speech has announced the following proposal for the development of dairy farming:

Cow :

  • Free insemination will be started in 3,300 villages of 11 districts of the State under National Gokul Mission. This will help in increasing milk yield and also farmers’ income.
  • In order to keep track of health of cows of improved breeds, a programme covering Jersey Cows will be started in Kangra district. Female calves born with the help of semen straws of improved breeds will be given special attention under the programme.
  • One Cow Sanctuary and one large Cow Sadan will be established in all the non-tribal districts of the State in a phased manner. These will take care of the stray animals.

Rams (male sheep) :

  • The provision of providing subsidy on the breeding rams is available only to the Scheduled Tribes.
  • It is proposed to extend the benefit of subsidy to the beneficiaries of all categories.

Poultry :

  • A scheme “Him Kukkut Palan Yojana (HIMKUPY)” is announced, under which 100 farmers will be provided up to 5,000 broilers every year. Only those beneficiaries will be eligible for assistance who have received required training from Government institutions.

Veterinary services

  • “Mobile Veterinary Sewa (MOVES)” will be started on pilot basis so that veterinary services are provided at the doorsteps of the farmers.
    • 120 posts of Gram Panchayat Veterinary Assistants will be filled up to ensure better service delivery.
    • The procurement price of milk is increased by Rs.2 per litre in the interest of farmers of the State.
  • A grant of Rs.23 crore will be provided to the MILKFED in 2020-21.
  • A budget outlay of Rs. 477 crore is proposed for Animal Husbandry in 2020-21.


  • About 13,000 fishermen and fish farmersare dependent on this sector for earning their livelihoods.
  • 100 new trout units will be established during 2020-21.
  • Trout fish cages will also be constructed in order to increase trout production in the State.
  • Recirculating Aqua Culture System (RAS) will be established in the Carp Fish Farm in Nalagarh to increase carp production.


  • A new scheme “Parvat Dhara” is announced to be launched in 2020-21 to rejuvenate extinct and depleted water sources in the State. This will also help in providing flow irrigation facility to the fields along the slopes. Water harvesting structures will be constructed at the locations determined based on satellite images. These harvesting structures will be managed and maintained under MNREGA. This will help in recharging aquifers and also irrigating fields with the stored water. An amount of Rs.20 crore is proposed to spend during 2020-21.
  • 2,000 Lok Mitra Kendras have been sanctioned in the State by the Government of India under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan. An amount of Rs.100 crore will be provided by the Government of India for these Lok Mitra Kendras. These Lok Mitra Kendras will be located in the Panchayat Ghars and they will be constructed in a planned manner.
  • local ‘SARAS’ melas will be organized in each district of the State. This will enable Self Help Groups in the State to exhibit and sell their products like bamboo craft, pattals, earthen pots etc. in these melas. This facility will be provided in all the Assembly Constituencies where land is available.
  • ‘UNNATI’ scheme : At least one member from the families of such persons who have completed 100 days of employment under MNREGA will be provided necessary training to upscale their Skills under this newly announced scheme.
  • “Panchawati” scheme : Requirement of parks and gardens in the rural areas will be taken care of , under this newly announced scheme. It is viewed to increase life expectancy in the State.
  • Solid Waste Management
  • An ambitious programme to make 500 Panchayats of the State Solid Waste free will be started during 2020-21 in the first phase.
  • Rs.5 lakh will be given to every such Panchayat which is free from consumption of tobacco in any form.
  • A provision of Rs.210 crore was made for Panchayati Raj Institutions in 2019-20 on the recommendations of the 5th State Finance Commission. This allocation is increased to Rs.228 crore in 2020-21.
  • The 15th Union Finance Commission has recommended a grant of Rs.429 crore to the Panchayati Raj Institutions in 2020-21 which is accepted by GOI.
  • Honorarium being given to Panchayat Silai Teachers and Panchayat Chowkidars will be increased by Rs.500 per month.
  • The award period of the recommendations made by the 5th State Finance Commission will expire on 31st March, 2022. It is decided to constitute the 6th State Finance Commission.
  • Forest Conservation and Forest Based Livelihoods
  • In the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goal 15 (SDG 15) , HP GovernmentForest Conservation and Forest Based Livelihoods has set a target to enhance the forest cover in the State from the present 27.72 percent to 30 percent by 2030.
  • State Government has also set a target of raising plantation over 12,000 hectares of land in 2020-21, which is 3,000 hectares more as compared to previous year. One crore saplings will be planted to achieve this target.
  • “Samudayik Van Samvardhan Yojana”
  • Under this scheme, afforestation, soil & water conservation activities on 200 hectares of land will be carried out through Joint Forest Management Committees/Village Forest Development Societies.
  • “Vidyarthi Van Mittar Yojana”
  • Under this scheme 100 new schools will be selected and plantation shall be done in adjoining identified land by the students.
  • Both “Samudayik Van Samvardhan Yojana” & “Vidyarthi Van Mittar Yojana” were launched by State govt in 2018-19.
  • To augment income of local population through plantation of commercial species on private land, HP Government will raise 50,000 Chandan saplings in nurseries of Forest Department during 2020-21 so that these are made available to the local people for planting on their land.
  • Three Externally Aided Projects being implemented in the Forest Sector “ : H.P. Forests Eco System Management & Livelihood Improvement Project (JICA), Integrated Development Project for Source Sustainability and Climate Resilient Rain-fed Agriculture (IDP), HP Forests Eco System Climate Proofing Project.
  • Lantana grass will be eradicated from 2,500 hectares of land, water conservation and management works will be done on 2,500 hectares of land and plantation will be done on 5,000 hectares of land under these projects in 2020-21.
  • An outlay of Rs.139 crore is proposed in 2020-21 for these projects.


  • An Early Warning System will be setup in Kullu valley for risk mitigation and vulnerability reduction from glacial outburst events.
  • Himachal Pradesh Spatial Data Infrastructure project will be implemented in the State to provide online access of standardized spatial data/meta data to various line departments and educational institutions, which will facilitate better planning and execution of different schemes. ‘Kaushal Vigyan Programme’,
  • High quality ‘hands-on training’ ( practical training) for 100 Graduate Students will be given in Biotechnology.
  • In 2020-21, Himachal Pradesh Science & Technology Council will aim to register at least 5 Geographical Indications (GI) for Karsog Kulth and Pangi ki Thangi, Chamba metal crafts, Chamba Chukh and Bharmouri Rajmaah of Chamba district.


Following proposals are announced for improving quality of education in Himachal Pradesh :-

“Swaran Jayanti Gyanodaya Cluster Sreshtha Vidyalaya Yojana (Gyanodaya)” :

  • It aims to bring a qualitative change in the Elementary Schools. Under the scheme, modern facilities would be provided in 100 cluster schools, for students/ teachers which would include improved toilets, electricity and provision of fans, smart classrooms, furniture, library, better water facilities and improved sports facilities. Adequate teachers would be deployed in these cluster schools to ensure required Pupil Teacher ratio. Rs.15 crore have been proposed for this scheme in 2020-21.

“Swaran Jayanti Utkrisht Vidyalaya Yojana (UTTKRISHT)”

  • 68 schools, in which enrolment is more than 500 students would be identified for improvement of facilities in the first phase. Under the scheme, school facilities such as furniture, school campus development, better sports facilities and grounds, gym, smart classrooms, improvement of laboratories, better toilets and water facilities would be provided. Required Teacher Taught Ratio will be maintained. Rs.30 crore are proposed for this Yojana in 2020-21.
  • State Government will develop 9 Colleges as ‘Utkrishtcolleges which would have improved facilities including gyms. Students would be able to study new and alternative subjects, not available in other colleges. Required Teacher Taught Ratio would be ensured in these colleges. Rs.9 crore is proposed in budget for this purpose in 2020-21.
  • To improve Mathematics skills of students, state Government has decided to establish labs in 50 schools in 2020-21. As a result, Maths learning will become interesting and student friendly.
  • State govt has started the CV Raman Virtual Classroom Yojana in 2019. Under the scheme, students are provided teaching inputs through Virtual mode (with the help of technology), in schools and colleges located in difficult areas. After the initial good results of the scheme, Virtual Classrooms would be established in 106 educational institutions in 2020-21.
  • B.Voc course has been started in 12 colleges of the State. B.Voc would be started in 6 more colleges.
  • Under the Medha Protsahan Yojana, the meritorious students are already being provided coaching for admission in professional/technical courses. In view of increasing competition for entrance to professional courses, a new scheme “Swaran Jayanti Super 100” is announced Under which, 100 top students of class 10 would be provided assistance of Rs.1 lakh each for undergoing training/coaching to compete in various entrance exams.
  • It is announce to increase the honorarium of the IT Teachers engaged on outsourcing basis in Education department by 10 percent.
  • Part Time Water Carriers, as per the existing provisions, become eligible for being regular after rendering 6 years of service on daily wages. This period is reduced to 5 years.
  • The ‘Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Cluster University’ has started functioning in Mandi. It is announced to affiliate colleges of Mandi district and nearby districts to this university to establish it as an Affiliating University.
  • 138 Government colleges and 69 private colleges are functional in the State.
  • The NCC infrastructure in the State will be expanded by opening Battalion/Companies so that more NCC students get B & C NCC certification which would help them in recruitment to Armed Forces/Para Military and Police services.
  • Monthly honorarium of Mid-Day- Meal Workers and water carriers is increased by Rs.300 per month.
  • An outlay of Rs. 8,016 crore is proposed on Education during 2020-21.


  • People of the State have benefitted immensely from ‘HIMCARE’ and ‘SAHARA’ schemes started by state Government.
  • Total 68,222 beneficiaries have been provided health services worth Rs.63 crore under ‘HIMCARE’ & 52,922 beneficiaries have been benefitted by availing health services of about Rs.53 crore under ‘Ayushman Bharat’.
    • The State Government has launched the ‘Sahara Scheme’ in 2019 to provide financial assistance of Rs. 2000 per month to the patients belonging to the economically weaker sections of the society, who are suffering from specified diseases such as Parkinson, Malignant Cancer, Paralysis, Muscular Dystrophy, Hemophilia and Thalassemia etc.
    • Out of 8188 beneficiaries registered under ‘SAHARA’ , 5580 beneficiaries have already started getting a grant and the remaining beneficiaries will start getting it after verification. It is announced to increase the assistance to Rs.3,000 per month.

Tuberculosis elimination :

While the United Nations has set a deadline of 2030 in its Sustainable Development Goals to ending the TB epidemic, PM Modi said the target to eliminate it in 2025 in India.

Himachal Pradesh Government is committed to eliminate Tuberculosis ahead of the national deadline.

“Kshay Rog Nivaran Yojana” is being implemented in the State to strengthen the National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme. The State was awarded the first prize in the country for excellence in the tuberculosis work in 2019. It is announced (in budget 2020-21) to increase the diagnostic facilities for drug resistant tuberculosis. The facility of Line Probe Assays Lab, now available only at IRL(Intermediate reference laboratory) Dharampur, Solan will be started at Government Medical College, Tanda. Further, to increase nutritional support to Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients, financial help of Rs.1,500 per month will be provided under the above yojana to all Multi drug resistant TB Patients during their treatment period.

Cancer :

  • Breast cancer is the only cancer which, if detected early, can be treated with great success. It is announced that all the district hospitals of the State will be provided with the Mammography facility in 2020-21.
  • Similarly, a programme will be started for prevention and creation of awareness among adolescent girls and women, about the cervical cancer ( tumour of the cervix, the lowermost part of uterus) . A detailed work plan will be formulated after considering various aspects for vaccination of girls. ( Cervical cancer can be prevented by HPV vaccine).
  • New scheme “Swasth aur Sashakat Kishoritav evam Matritva (SKM)” is launched which will cover both breast and cervical cancer.


  • People with HIV have to take Anti retroviral therapy (ART) throughout their life time, presently, being provided free to all the patients through ART centres. There are six ART centres in the State and these patients have to travel long distance for their continuous treatment. To increase the ART access nearer to their homes, It is proposed to start ART facilities in three Medical Colleges at Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar Medical College Nahan, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Government Medical College Chamba and Lal Bahadur Shastri Medical College, Mandi at Nerchowk.
  • The State Government is making all efforts to tackle the problem of anaemia. There are many children who suffer from Haemoglobinopathy like Thalassemia or Sickle Cell disease which is a genetic disorder. It is proposed to conduct mass screening of all school children in the State for detecting the disorder at an early stage.
  • It is proposed to establish a modern Child Health Care Centre in Dr. Rajinder Prasad Medical College, Tanda with Maternal and Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit facility with an objective to bring down Infant Mortality Rate in the State.
  • Over 15 lakh population has been assessed for NCD (Non Communicable Diseases) risk factors under Mukhya Mantri Nirog Yojana. To address the increasing demand and to cater to the enhanced load of patients detected after screening, it is proposed to open ‘Integrated Nirog Clinic’ in 10 facilities across the State.
  • The Health department will develop a comprehensive IT based system ‘HIMAROGYA’ whereby unique health ID will be given to all the citizens which will help in providing better facilities to the people.
  • Ten (10) “Mobile Health Centres are launched with the objective of providing a range of health care services for population living in remote areas.
  • Under 108 Ambulance Service Scheme, 198 ambulances are presently operational. Recently 46 old ambulances were replaced with new ambulances.
  • 100 additional old ambulances would be soon replaced with new ambulances.
  • It has been witnessed that sometimes people tend to leave behind seriously ill patients in the hospitals without identity and attendant, making it difficult for the Hospital Administration to look after such persons. HP Government proposed to provide free treatment including diagnostic services to such destitute persons and announce a new scheme “Samman” for the purposes.
  • Free medicines are also being made available through various institutions. An outlay of Rs.100 crore is proposed for the purpose in 2020-21.

ASHA workers

  • ASHAs are presently given an incentive of Rs.600 in rural areas and Rs.400 in urban areas for ante natal checkups
  • as well as institutional deliveries of pregnant women belonging to BPL, SC & ST categories under ‘Janani Suraksha Yojana’. It is announced that incentives to ASHA workers for facilitating ante natal check up as well as institutional deliveries shall also be payable in case of pregnant women of other categories in the State.
  • An increase of Rs.500/- per month in the State contribution to the honorarium of ASHA workers is also announced.
  • Senior citizens of 60 years and above would be provided Ayurvedic medicines free of cost in 2020-21.
  • An outlay of Rs. 2,702 crore for providing quality Health services and Rs. 307 crore for Ayurveda is proposed during 2020-21.


  • To reduce traffic congestion in Shimla town, state Government has decided to shift Ganj Anaj Mandi and Bhatta Kufar Kath Mandi to Darni Ka Bageecha at Tutikandi Bye pass. Modern facilities like E-toilets, CCTV, modern weight bridges, parking and solar panels will be provided in the new Mandi.
  • A multi storey parkingcum commercial complex will be constructed in PPP mode at U block in Mandi town in view of acute shortage of parking place.
  • Himachal Pradesh is highly vulnerable to natural calamities. It is proposed to notify Model Municipal Building
  • Bye-Laws in the State to promote/develop disaster resilient structures.
  • Women and other Self Help Groups in Urban areas will be connected to E-market/E-Commerce platforms to enable them to market their produce and to fetch better prices.
  • In 2020-21, 1,000 persons will be provided training in plumbing sector and 500 persons will be provided wage employment under ‘Deen Dayal Antodaya Yojna-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY- NULM)’.
  • HIMUDA is developing new townships in Dharamshala, Jathia Devi and Dehra. Development plans are under preparation for these townships and work on the projects will start in the next financial year.
  • Shimla and Dharamshala have been selected for development under Smart City Mission. The State Government will provide 50 percent assistance under the Mission to expedite projects under the Smart City Mission. An outlay of Rs.100 crore is proposed for the Mission in 2020-21.
  • ‘Atal Shreshtha Shehar Puraskar’.
    Presently this award is given to one Municipal Council and one Nagar Panchayat each. This prize is now extended to cover 3 Municipal Councils and 3 Nagar Panchayats.
  • Union Government has significantly increased the devolution of grants for Urban Local Bodies from Rs.61.74 crore to Rs. 207 crore, which is a 3 fold increase ( It is due to recommendations of the 15th Finance Commission). The cantonment areas of the State will also get these grants for the first time.


  • HP Government has launched the National Generic Document Registration System and the same was implemented in two Tehsils viz: Shimla (Urban) and Kumarsain of District Shimla on a pilot basis. On successful implementation of the project in these two Tehsils the project will be rolled out in the entire State during 2020-21 which will help people to get their land documents easily registered.
  • State Government proposes to enhance the income criteria from Rs.50,000 to Rs.1,00,000 for giving land to the landless/houseless persons. Union Government has allocated Rs.454 crore to the State under the State Disaster Response Fund, which is 158 percent higher than last year’s allocation. Out of this, Rs.50 crore has been allocated for risk mitigation.
  • The honorarium of Part Time Workers of Revenue Department is increased by Rs.300 per month & of all Numberdars by Rs.500 per month.


  • Under the ambitious ‘Jal Jeewan Mission’, the Government of India has planned to provide each household with piped water connection. 56 percent of households of Himachal Pradesh have already been provided piped drinking water facilities. State Government has decided to provide piped water facility to each household in the State before 2024.
  • Over 1 lakh piped water connections would be provided to households in 2020-21.
  • To provide 24×7 water supply in Shimla town, a Lift Water Scheme from Kol Dam is under implementation which would be completed in time.
  • The honorarium of Water Guards, Para Fitters and Pump Operators is announced to be increased by Rs.300 per month.
  • A Budget outlay of Rs. 2,213 crore is there for Drinking Water Supply Schemes.


  • ‘Himachal Pradesh Investment Promotion Agency’ is announced to be established. This agency will
    arrange required clearances from different departments through single window system. For this purpose, the
    Bill will be introduced in the Vidhan Sabha on priority. ( a single empowered agency works to bring
    investment in all sectors and ensures expeditious approval of big investment proposals.)
  • “Him Startup Yojana” (HIMSUP)
    Necessary assistance will be provided under HIMSUP to enable the youth to start their own enterprises. A Venture Capital Fund of Rs.10 crore will be created to fund the start-up enterprises.
  • “Paramparik Hathkargha Evam Hastshilp Cluster Protsahan Pariyojana (Parampara)”
    Under the scheme, artisans and craftsmen and their products in each district would be promoted on cluster basis. Rs.58 crore will be spent for implementation of this project.
  • The State Government is implementing the ‘Mukhya Mantri Swavlamban Yojana’ to promote local entrepreneurship and to provide self employment opportunities for the youth. Youth in the age group of 18-45 years are eligible for several concessions under the scheme. Male entrepreneurs are eligible for 25 percent subsidy on the investment/machinery and young women are eligible for 30 percent subsidy on a capital investment up to Rs.60 lakh,.
  • It is announce that widows up to 45 years of age would also be eligible for 35 percent subsidy under the scheme.


Hydel projects of 515 MW are expected to be commissioned in 2020-21 which include :

  • Bajoli Holi HEP (180 MW)
  • Wanger Homte HEP (24.6 MW)
  • Sorang HEP (100 MW)
  • HPPCL’s project Sawara Kuddu HEP (111 MW)
  • The Uhl (100 MW) shall be commissioned in May, 2020. ( It could not be completed due an accident called Pan stroke brust happened there in May 2020. )
  • Construction of Luhri State-I, HEP (210 MW), Dhaulashidh HEP (66 MW), Chanju-III HEP (48 MW), Deothal Chanju (30 MW) will be started during 2020-21.
  • Renukaji Dam Project (40 MW) has been declared as ‘National Project’ which will be built with the cost of Rs.6947 crore. Construction on the project will commence in 2020-21.
  • It is proposed to install Off-grid Solar Power Plants of the capacity of 250 Watts each in 1,000 households in Pangi Valley of Chamba district during 2020-21 to mitigate local electricity problems.
  • The Government has allocated Solar Power Plants with the capacity ranging from 250 KW to 500 KW to the bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh with the aim to harness non-conventional clean energy and also to honour RPO (Renewable Purchase Obligation). The HPSEBL has been directed to purchase this power mandatorily through Power Purchase Agreement. It is proposed to provide a subsidy of Rs.2,000 per KW to these power producers to ensure that these plants are commissioned at the earliest.
  • The joint venture company of HPSEBL, the Himachal Renewables Ltd., in collaboration with the Solar Energy Corporation of India, will commission 2 MW Solar Power Plant with battery storage in Kaza by June, 2020-21.
  • HPSEBL has started a scheme with a cost of Rs.158 crore with a target to complete it in 2020-21 to address
    the problems of low voltage in some areas. 65,000 wooden poles are targeted to be replaced with new steel
    poles during 2020-21.
  • HPSEBL will recruit 3,000 new employees, mainly in the technical cadre, in 2020-21.


  • Solang valley, North Portal and South Portal (Sissu) of the Atal Tunnel will be developed as tourist destinations to promote Atal (Rohtang) Tunnel Tourism under “Nayee Rahen, Nayee Manzilen”.
  • An outlay of Rs.50 crore is proposed for ‘Nai Rahen Nai Manjilen’ in 2020-21.
  • Swadesh Darshan Himalayan Circuit is being implemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. Total cost of this scheme is Rs.73 crore.
  • A proposal has been sent to the Government of India to bring Chintpurni temple under PRASAD Yojana. The total cost of the project is Rs.45 crore.
  • Another proposal with a cost of Rs. 100 crore for development of Spiritual Circuit has been posed to the Government of India under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme. This proposal includes Shiv Dhaam in Mandi, beautification of Rewalsar, beautification of Baba Nahar Singh temple in Bilaspur, Kaleshwar temple in Dada Siba, Awaha Devi Temple in Hamirpur, Manikaran in Kullu and Trilokpur temple in Sirmour.
  • Himachal Pradesh participated in the Surajkund International Fair, Haryana as a partner State in 2019.
  • It is proposed to start a Crafts & Tourism Mela in Himachal Pradesh on the pattern of Surajkund International fair.
  • Institute of Hotel Management in Dharamshala and Food Craft Institute in Sundernagar will be established with the assistance of the Government of India.


  • State Government has fixed a target of organizing 9 Rozgaar Melas and 120 campus interviews in 2020-21 to provide employment to youth of the State.
  • About 5,000 unemployed youth are expected to be provided employment in private establishments through these efforts.


  • HRTC will purchase 250 buses including 100 electric buses.
  • Like Shimla town, HRTC will start tourist circuits in Dharamshala, Bilaspur and Mandi.
  • It is proposed to establish Transport Nagar in Hamirpur. This Transport Nagar will have modern facilities like driving test track, traffic park, training centre and workshop for repair and maintenance of vehicles.


  • At present, there are 37,374 kilometres of motorable roads in the State. In 2019-20 financial year, 67 new villages have been connected by road.
  • The work on National Highway Safety System on Kiratpur Sahib – Manali, Shimla – Parwanoo and DharamshalaGagret shall be started at cost of Rs.35 crore in the first phase under National Highway Interconnectivity Improvement Projects.
  • Paonta Sahib-Gumma-Feedus bridge and Hamirpur- Mandi National Highways at a total cost of Rs. 2,598 crore will be developed as Green National Highways with the assistance of Government of India.
  • The 4 laning works on Parwanoo-Solan and Kiratpur- Manali National Highways would be completed on priority.
  • Under the World Bank assisted Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Project (HPSRTP), state roads measuring 650 kilometres will be upgraded and 1 thousand and 350 kilometres road length will be provided periodic maintenance along with other institutional development activities. In the first stage 130 kilometres roads would be upgraded.
  • Rs.55 crore will be spent under ‘Mukhya Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana’, a scheme initiated by state Government to accelerate connectivity to the left out villages and habitations.
  • Total budget outlay of Rs. 3,986 crore is proposed for construction of roads & their maintenance during 2020-21.


  • GST administration will be strengthened to increase revenue collection. Excise administration will be automated to make it transparent and also to maintain buoyancy (rise) in the taxes.


  • A ‘Centre of Excellence’ will be established in Waknaghat (Solan) in 2020-21 with the joint efforts of the Department of Information Technology and Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam. The Centre would promote IT skills and research and training activities in this field. The cost of establishing this centre will be around 20 million USD (about Rs.155 crore).
  • 19 ITIs of the State will be strengthened under the ‘Skill Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement Projects (STRIVE)’ being implemented with the assistance of the Central Government. Infrastructure up-gradation in these it is along with improvement in teaching and learning skills, Apprenticeship, Training of Trainers etc. will be undertaken.
  • HP Government will provide training to the youth of the State in English Speaking Skills, Insurance, GST etc. by collaborating with C-DAC Mohali, Central Tool Room Ludhiana, National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad and Himachal Pradesh University through the Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam. Necessary skills will be provided as per the demand of the market. 10,000 youth will be trained under the initiative.
  • 80,000 youth will be given skill development allowance in 2020-21.
  • An outlay of Rs. 100 crore is proposed in 2020-21 for the purpose.


  • The Government will formulate a Cultural Policy to preserve and promote the rich folk culture, art, historical heritage and vanishing scripts.
  • Various Voluntary Organizations are working for the preservation of our cultural heritage. It is announced that the grants given to them will be doubled for cultural activities and purchase of traditional costumes, musical instruments and jewellery for these organisations.
  • People from India and abroad visit Jawalaji, Brijeshwari Devi Kangra, Chamunda Devi, Naina Devi & Chintpurni Devi temples throughout the year. Govt has decided to establish, through temple trust, Mini museum and art centre in these temples. The devotees will be able to appreciate history of these temples, religious beliefs and local traditions in a better way.
  • To promote Sanskrit language, State/District level competitions and workshops will be organized in schools at State/District level. To promote Punjabi language, additional facilities will be provided to learn the language in Punjabi speaking areas of Pradesh.


  • H.P. State Sports Policy, 2020 has been drafted for inviting suggestions from different stake holders. The State Sports Policy 2020 shall be notified and dedicated to the sportspersons of the State.
  • it was proposed in the budget to organize Pre- World Cup of Indian National Open Paragliding Championship at Bir Billing (Kangra) in April, 2020. ( Later on called off due to covid pandemic).
  • Asian Rafting Championship on river Beas is scheduled to held in October, 2020.


  • State Government has provided laptops to all the State level and District level Accredited Journalists as was announced during last budget speech.
  • In this budget speech (2020-21), it is announced to provide laptops to the Sub-Division level Accredited Journalists of the State.


“Swaran Jayanti Poshahaar Yojana” will be implemented as an umbrella scheme with the following components:-

  • “BalPoshahaar Top-up Yojana” aims to supplement existing food with extra nutrition food to completely eliminate malnutrition in these children. Under the scheme, Anganwadi children would be given fruit, milk and fibrous food to supplement existing food.
  • State Government has decided to start pre-primary classes in the primary schools. A new “Swasth Bachpan” scheme will be started for the preprimary students enrolled in Government schools. Mid day meal will be provided to the students of pre-primary classes within the school premises.
  • In addition to above, all children from first to eighth grades will be provided nutritious food like milk and local fruit as top-up once in a week along with mid day meal. Schools will use double fortified salt (Iron & Iodine) and fortified edible oil (Vitamin A & D) in the mid day meals.


  • International Women’s Day : 8th March
  • For creating awareness in society and for ensuring healthy and productive lives of the girls and women with dignity, a new awareness programmeWoh Din” is launched on a campaign mode in 20 selected blocks in the State at a cost of Rs.3.24 crore. This campaign will be collectively run by departments of Health, Ayurveda, Women and Child Development and Rural Development.
  • In addition to Indian Govt’s child protection services, HP Govt is depositing an amount of Rs.300 per month per child as fixed deposit in the name of foster children for their proper care. This amount is now increased to Rs. 500 per month.
  • Integrated Rehabilitation Centre of Addicts (IRCA) would be opened in 5 districts of the State with the assistance of Government of India in collaboration with voluntary organizations for rehabilitation of victims of the illicit drug use.
  • All the elderly people above the age of 70 years are now eligible for getting old age pension irrespective of their income. 1 lakh and 50 thousand additional pensioners have been included after this announcement.
  • 5,34000 pensioners are getting benefit under various pension schemes in the State. On the Golden Jubilee of the Statehood, 50,000 more beneficiaries are announced to include under various pension schemes in 2020- 21.
  • The pension of widows and divyangjans will be raised from Rs.850 per month to Rs.1,000 per month.
  • An outlay of Rs. 766 crore has been kept for Social Security Pension during 2020-21.
  • Government is providing co-contribution of Rs.2,000 or 50 percent of contribution, whichever is less, to subscribers of Atal Pension Yojana registered till 31-03-2020. Presently, 86,000 subscribers including MNREGA Workers, Agriculture/ Horticulture Workers, Shop Workers, Street Vendors, Angwanwadi Workers/ Helpers, ASHA Workers, Mid-day Meal Workers, Tailoring Mistress and others are benefitting from this scheme. Govt has extended the scheme to 31-03-2021 to benefit existing beneficiaries and also attract new people to the scheme. Government will spend Rs.15 crore for the purpose.
  • The honorarium given to Anganwari Workers is increased by Rs.500 per month, to Mini Anganwari Workers by Rs.300 per month and to Anganwari Sahayika by Rs.300 per month.


  • An outlay of Rs. 1,758 crores has been kept for Tribal Development during 2020-21.


  • In recognition of the laudable efforts of the very senior Ex-servicemen for their services to the nation, It is
    announce to increase the War Jagir assistance from Rs.5,000 per annum to Rs.7,000 per annum.


  • It is announced to install mounted cameras on 176 police vehicles in 2020-21. These cameras will be connected with the Control Room. It will help in keeping a vigil on anti social elements and will also help in checking drug trafficking.
  • Body worn cameras have been very useful in tackling unruly and anti social elements. Towards this purpose, It is proposed to buy 500 additional Body Worn Cameras in 2020-21. In addition, 500 CCTV cameras would be installed to assist the Police.
  • To tackle cyber crimes effectively, the existing Cyber Coordination Centre would be strengthened with additional resources and modern equipment.
  • To effectively curb illicit mining, It is announced to create 10 new dedicated Mining Check Posts in areas from where there are frequent complaints of illegal mining.
  • These Mining Check Posts would be run in coordination by Police and Mining wing of the Industry
  • Forensic services would be strengthened with the equipments based on modern technology and need based
    technical posts will be created.
  • In line with, Govt’s policy of zero tolerance to corruption a Vigilance Police Station would be established in Baddi.
  • 1,000 posts of police constables are to be filled in 2020-21 to strengthen the police force. ( In last budget 1,063 posts of constables were announced).


  • National Pension Scheme (NPS) employees retired before 22-09-2017 have been demanding grant of gratuity for a long time. CM in budget speech announced the grant of death-cum-retirement gratuity to such NPS employees also.
  • On 25th January 2020, State Govt had announced release of 5 percent DA/DR for employees/ pensioners.
  • The contract employees are currently getting emoluments equal to basic pay plus grade pay plus 125 percent of grade pay. It is announce that 2020-21, contract employees will be paid emoluments equal to basic pay plus grade pay plus 150 percent of grade pay. This will benefit about 22,000 contract employees.
  • An increase in minimum daily wages from Rs.250 to Rs.275 per day is announced.
  • For employees, contract employees, daily wagers and part timers of Government Departments / PSUs / Boards /Universities, it is proposed to increase the insurance amount from Rs.2 lakh to Rs.5 lakh in case of death and full disability and in case of partial disablement, the insurance amount will be increased from Rs.1 lakh to Rs.2 lakh under the Group Accident Insurance Scheme, with an increase in the premium amount.
  • The government employees who are blind or are 70 percent orthopedically handicapped will now get conveyance allowance at the rate of Rs.750 per month against the present rate of Rs.500.


  • Presently, two rail projects namely Bhanupalli-Bilaspur- Beri and Chandigarh-Baddi are being executed in the State.
  • The State is making efforts to develop water transport facilities. In the initial stage, the water transport route between Tatta Pani and Salapar shall be completed and dedicated to the people of the State in 2020-21.
  • It is proposed to execute Bagla Mukhi (Mandi) ropeway and another ropeway from Narkanda to Hatu Mata temple. The execution of these ropeways will be started during 2020- 21 under the PPP mode. Wherever VGF (viability gap funding) is required, the same shall be provided under the State budget.
  • 5 new Heliports will be constructed in the State to facilitate Heli taxi services. Chamba town will also be included in Udaan-2.
  • An outlay of Rs. 1,013 crore is kept for expansion and construction of airports and heliports in 2020-21.


  • It is a matter of satisfaction for the State that no one is without shelter in Himachal Pradesh.
  • On the occasion of 50th anniversary of Himachal’s Statehood, State Govt has decided to provide households with toilets, safe drinking water and electricity to all eligible people of the State. These facilities will be provided in convergence with the ongoing schemes ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’ and ‘Roshni’.
    Mukhya Mantri Roshni Yojna was launched in last budget (2019-20). The poor households will not have to pay any service connection charges for a new energy connection.
  • In the last budget, HP Government had announced to increase housing assistance by Rs.20,000 per beneficiary for all rural housing schemes.
  • In this budget, an increase of Rs.20,000 in financial assistance per beneficiary under the Prime Minister Awas Yojana (Urban) scheme is also announced.
  •  10,000 new beneficiaries will be covered under all the housing schemes in rural and urban areas of the
    State in 2020-21 which is more than double the number of beneficiaries covered during last year.
    These beneficiaries will be covered under various schemes as follows:-

    • 5100 eligible persons belonging to Scheduled Castes will be given benefit under the new “Swaran Jayanti Ashray Yojana”.
    • 3100 housing units under ‘Mukhya Mantri Awaas Yojana’.
    • 1,000 housing units under Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (Urban).
    • 800 housing units under Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (Rural).


Revised estimates for 2019-20

  • Total revenue receipts are expected to be : Rs. 32,330 crore.
  • Total revenue expenditure is expected to be : Rs. 36,337 crore.
  • Thus the total revenue deficit is expected to be Rs. 4007 crore as per revised estimates.

Revised for 2020-21

  • Total revenue receipts are estimated at : Rs. 38,439 crore
  • Total revenue expenditure is estimated to be : Rs. 39,123 crore.
  • Thus total revenue deficit is estimated at : Rs. 684 crore.
  • Fiscal deficit is estimated to be Rs. 7,272 crore which is 4 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product.
  • No new taxes are proposed in the budget estimates for 2020-21.
  • As per estimates, there is an 11 percent increase in Revenue receipts from State’s own sources in 2020-21 compared to budget estimates of 2019- 20.
  • Out of every 100 rupees to be spent by the Government in 2020-21, Rs.26.66 will be spent on salaries, Rs.14.79 on pension, Rs.10.04 on interest payment, Rs.7.29 on loan repayment and Rs.41.22 will be spent on development works and other activities.
    • 2017 Legislative assembly elections : The vote share for the Bhartiya Janata Party stood at 69 percent, which was the highest ever recorded in the history of the State and is also highest among all the States. The party was also able to comfortably retain the 2 Vidhan Sabha seats in a bye-election held in the month of October, 2019. Both the MLAs are young and first timers.

Summary / Highlights of the budget

  • The State will celebrate Himachal Pradesh Swaran Jayanti in 2020-21
  • 189 Jan Manch programmes have been held in which 47 thousand 848 complaints and demands were received, 43 thousand 548 complaints were settled to the satisfaction of the complainants by the end of February, 2020.
  • Mukhya Mantri Seva Sankalp have also gained popularity. 37,990 complaints have been resolved till
    February, 2020
  • The growth rate of State’s economy is expected to be 5.6 percent during 2019-20
  • Aspirational Development Block Programme will be started for backward areas.
  • Districts obtaining First, Second and Third ranks in District Good Governance Index will be awarded.
  • Rs. 7900 crore proposed for the Annual Plan 2020-21
  • Under MLA priorities, per Constituency limit for posing DPR’s increased to Rs.120 crore.
  • Under Vidhayak Kshetra Vikas Nidhi Yojana, the allocation increased to Rs.1.75 crore and Discretionary Grant of Hon’ble MLAs increased to Rs.10 lakh.
  • MLAs and Government Gazetted Class I & II Officers and other better off sections urged to surrender food subsidy under PDS voluntarily.
  • Under Grihani Suvidha Yojana LPG connection will be provided to new families which are eligible for the facility.
  • “Krishi Kosh” of Rs. 20 crore created to support FPOs.
  • “Krishi Se Sampannta Yojana ” (KSY) started to promote Heeng and Saffron cultivation.
  • 20,000 hectare land to be brought under natural farming during 2020-21.
  • Nadaun Medium Irrigation Project will be commissioned.
  • 111 Minor Irrigation Schemes with a cost of Rs.338 crore to be completed and 4 new schemes with a cost of Rs.87 crore approved by Government of India under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna.
  • Command area of already commissioned irrigation schemes will be developed under CAD.
  • New Scheme “Krishi Utpaad Sarankshan (Anti Hail net) Yojana (KUSHY)” to be started to provide 50% assistance for Steel or Bamboo structure for supporting anti hail net.
  • Madhu Utpadan Evam Prasanskaran Yojana (MUPY) for value addition to Bee keeping activities started.
  • New scheme ‘Mehak’ to plant and process aromatic plants started.
  • Free insemination to be started in 3,300 villages in 11 districts.
  • Health of Jersey female calves to be followed up under a new programme in Kangra district.
  • One Cow Sanctuary and one large Cow Sadan will be established in the non-tribal districts.
  • Subsidy on the breeding rams to be given to beneficiaries of all categories.
  • New scheme “Him Kukkut Palan Yojana (HIMKUPY)” to be started to encourage poultry farming.
  • “Mobile Pashu Chikitsa Sewa (MOVES)” will be started on pilot basis to provide veterinary services at the doorstep of the farmers.
  • Procurement price of milk increased by Rs.2 per litre.
  • New scheme ‘Parvat Dhara’ to re-juvenate water sources and recharge aquifers started. Forest department to implement this scheme in forest areas.
  • 2,000 Lok Mitra Kendras will be established.
  • New scheme ‘Unnati’ to skill MNREGA workers and another scheme ‘Panchwati’ to construct paths and garden in rural areas started.
  • 500 Panchayats of the State will be made Solid Waste free.
  • Rs.5 lakh award to each Panchayat which is free from consumption of tobacco.
  • Plantation to be done on 12,000 hectare land.
  • 50,000 Chandan saplings will be propagated by Forest Department.
  • The budget has outlined a specific road map for quality in education. “Swaran Jayanti Gyanodaya Cluster Sreshtha Vidyalaya Yojana (Gyanodaya)” started for Elementary Education.
  • New Scheme “Swaran Jayanti Utkrisht Vidyalaya Yojana (Utkrisht)” under which facilities would be improved in 68 schools of Higher Education department
  • 9 Colleges as ‘Utkrisht’ colleges would be developed with improved facilities.
  • Math labs to be established in 50 schools.
  • B.Voc would be started in 6 more colleges.
  • A new “Swaran Jayanti Super 100” scheme will be started to encourage meritorious youth for admission to professional courses.
  • Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Cluster University to be developed as an Affiliating University.
  • Batallion/Companies to be created to increase student enrolment in NCC.
  • Financial help of Rs.1500 per month to be given to MDR TB patients.
  • For early diagnosis of breast cancer amongst women Mammography machines will be made available in all the district hospitals of the State.
  • Financial assistance under ‘Sahara’ increased to Rs.3,000 per month.
  • Free diagnostic facility for 56 tests will be available to all categories.
  • 10 “Mobile Health Centres” to be established for providing range of health care services for remote areas.
  • Under 108 Ambulance Service Scheme, 100 new ambulances will be purchased.
  • A new scheme “Samman” for destitute will cover their treatment in hospitals.
  • Budget allocation of Rs.100 crore for free medicines will be made.
  • Free Ayurvedic medicines to old people above the age of 60 years will be provided.
  • Budget of Rs.100 crore for Smart Cities project will be provided.
  • Awards to Nagar Parishads and Nagar Panchayats for sanitation.
  • Grants for Urban Local Bodies increased from Rs.61.74 crore to Rs. 207 crore. The Cantonment areas of the State will also get these grants first time.
  • Disaster Mitigation Fund with an initial outlay of Rs.50 crore will be created.
  • All the households of the State to be provided piped drinking water facilities before 2024 under Jal Jeevan Mission.
  • 1 lakh households will be provided piped water connections in 2020-21.
  • Improved water supply to be provided in 14 Urban Clusters in the first phase.
  • ‘Himachal Pradesh Investment Promotion Agency’ to be established to facilitate new investment.
  • “Him Startup Yojana” (HIMSUP) started to enable the youth to start their own enterprises.
  • Under “Paramparik Hathkargha Evam Hastshilp Cluster Protsahan Pariyojana (Parampara)” clusters will be established to promote local handloom & handicrafts. Rs. 58 crore will be spent on the project.
  • Under ‘Mukhya Mantri Swavlamban Yojana’ widows will be eligible for 35 percent subsidy.
  • During 2020-21 Hydro Electric Projects of 515 MW capacity will be commissioned and new projects of 394 MW capacity will be started.
  • The bonafide residents of HP will be provided subsidy of Rs.2,000 per KW for executing solar projects of 250 to 500 KW capacities.
  • 1,000 households in Pangi Valley to get 250 Watt Solar off-grid solar panels each.
  • A Crafts and Tourism Mela on the pattern of Surajkund International Fair will be held in the State.
  • Institute of Hotel Management in Dharamshala and Food Craft Institute in Sundernagar to be established.
  • Pre-World Cup of Indian National Open Paragliding Championship in Bir Billing and Asian Rafting Championship on river Beas to be organized.
  • Efforts to be made to ensure connecting remaining 39 panchayats with road to ensure that no panchayat remains unconnected.
  • Policy to provide Way Side Amenities along Highways will be framed.
  • Construction of 925 Kilometres of motorable roads, cross drainage on 900 kilometres roads, M/T on 1800 Kilometers roads, construction of 75 bridges and connectivity to 90 villages will be achieved in 2020-21.
  • A ‘Centre of Excellence’ to be established in Waknaghat (Solan) at a cost of Rs.155 crore.
  • 19 ITIs of the State will be strengthened.
  • Sub Division level Accredited Journalists will be provided Laptops.
  • A new “Swasth Bachpan” scheme launched for preprimary classes.
  • “Bal Poshahaar Top-up Yojana” will supplement existing food in Anganwaris to reduce malnutrition.
  • An awareness programme “Woh Din” to start for awareness of Menstrual Hygiene.
  • 5 Integrated Rehabilitation Centres of Addicts (IRCA) will be established with the assistance of GoI.
  • 50,000 additional persons to get benefit of Social Security Pension.
  • Pension of Widows and Divyangjan will be increased to Rs.1,000/– from present Rs.850 PM. A total of 1 lakh and 75 thousand persons will benefit from it.
  • Honorarium of Anganwari Workers, Mini Anganwari Workers, Anganwari Sahayika, Silai Teachers, Mid Day
  • Meal Workers, Water Guards, Para Fitters, Para Pump Operators, Panchayat Chowkidar etc. will be increased.
  • Honorarium of IT Teachers in Education Department increased by 10 percent.
  • War Jagir assistance increased.
  • 10 new dedicated Mining Check Posts to be established to check illegal mining.
  • 5 Fire Posts would be upgraded as Fire Sub Stations.
  • Gratuity to NPS employees retired before 22-9-2017.
  • Salary of contract employees increased.
  • Daily Wages increased to Rs.275.
  • Conveyance allowance to blind and 70 percent Orthopedically disabled employees will be increased to Rs.750.
  • 20,000 vacant posts of various departments to be filled up during 2020-21 which includes 3,000 posts of HPSEB, 1,000 posts of Constables, over 5,000 posts in Education, 1,300 posts in HRTC, various posts of class III, class IV in PWD, Revenue, Forest, Animal Husbandry and other departments.
  • Inland water transport services will be started from Tatta Pani to Salapar.
  • Bagla Mukhi (Mandi) ropeway and Narkanda to Hatu Mata temple ropeways will be started under PPP mode.
  • 5 new Heliports will be constructed in the State to facilitate Heli taxi services.
  • Necessary steps will be taken to expand existing airports at Kangra and Shimla. Land acquisition process to be started soon for green field airport at Mandi.
  • Budgetary provision of Rs.1,013 crore has been made for expansion of airports, construction of airport at Mandi and construction of 5 heliports.
  • Houses for 5100 families under Swaran Jayanti Ashray yojana. In addition to this, 4,900 families belonging to other categories will be provided housing facility under various other urban and rural housing schemes.

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